1- “Kathy’s story”
When I turned 32 I was in Europe and I had a short affair with a very nice German man. He told me we couldn’t have sex because he had an infection. We did get naked together, and slept in each other’s arms. Ten days later I had my first outbreak. As I was in Germany, and mortified, I did not seek help right away. Being extremely stressed out made my symptoms worse of course. Finally, at a hospital, I was misdiagnosed and given the wrong medication. My symptoms got even worse, and I got recurring outbreaks for the next four months.
By the time I got home to the states I was convinced that I would never have sex again. I felt dirty and guilty. I was fearful of any contact, of any kind, with anybody. Fortunately I had several good friends, including some intimate friends who helped me learn how to live with myself, relax, and, as my symptoms became more manageable, see myself again as a sexual being.
But I also became determined to learn as much as I could about herpes, and its transmission, so that others might not have to suffer the same consequences of ignorance that I had.
I tried the drugs, but found that they interfered with my ability to sense the subtle flow of my symptoms. And, the literature said that they were not fully reliable. I wanted a better way, one where I could respect my body, live with the virus, and be able to make love while protecting my partner.
The onesafegeneration.com Safe Sex kit, is the result of a long journey of consciousness raising. It is intended to be a tool for young and innocent people to learn safely about sex, for the old jaded and infected to have their sex without spreading their diseases, for the professionals sex workers to teach to all the slackers and malcontents, and for committed couples to road test and tell us all about it.
2- “The Girlfriend”
My partner, L., and I have been together for two years. Sex for us has always been a bit awkward. He has herpes and I don’t. He has tried the drugs, but even with the drugs occasionally has outbreaks. Having sex is always a bit of a crap shoot. We are very careful, avoiding sex when he feels like he might get symptoms, when he is symptomatic, and for a week after his skin at the outbreak is fully healed. But we still worry about me.
L., came home the other day with his “kit” from onesafegeneration.com. We are so happy. I am so glad. The feeling of knowing that we can have sex, and not place me at risk is such a relief. I cannot say how much better the sex was, even though we are certainly novices at the techniques. But everything from gloved hands to protected mouths, to wearing the shorts, everything made me feel so safe. We will learn how to make the most of these tools.
Thank you, thank you, for having this great idea!
– R. S., Tulsa OK
3- The ex who has converted.
When my ex-boyfriend came home with a Safer Sex Kit I thought that he had finally gone off the deep end. The idea of using latex shorts and gloves, and wrap was downright perverted. Who was this man that I thought I knew?
I have moved on, but now I have my own kit. It grew on me. I am determined not to have unsafe sex with anyone, ever again, except for my one life partner. Every time I engage in super safe sex I feel like I am expressing my loyalty to him, even though I don’t know him yet. It is a great feeling.
– A. D., San Jose, CA
4- “Picked up in a bar”
She was one of the most striking women I’ve seen in the last few years. When she sidled up to me at the bar it was already fairly late in the evening, and I’d already had a few too many. When she suggested that I come home with her I figured that I was a lucky man, having a very lucky night. Even though she looked me right in the eyes and said: “ I make all the rules, OK?”
When we were in the elevator I got my first inkling that this was going to be a little more unusual than I could have expected. For in the moment we would have started making out in earnest she said: “ No kissing on the mouth!” Before I could object, she gave me a kiss on the neck that shut me right up. “Whatever you want, honey”
And she wanted. She wanted my hand inside her, but gloved and with lube. She wanted my mouth on her, but with food wrap. She rolled a condom on me, with her mouth! What bliss. And she had me put on this outfit, of shorts and condoms, before she fucked my brains out.
And then she wanted us to do it again, and again… and we had to get up, and wash up, and get up, and wash up…
When we got up in the morning, she was leaving town. I never learned her name. But she did tell me about onesafegeneration.com
It has now been about a year since I bought my first kit. I am a happy camper, and I thoroughly enjoy each surprise moment when my partners discover that with me they are going to play safe.
– H. M., NYC
5- The man who swings.
Hey OneSafeGeneration! What liberation! I have been swinging for a very long time, and now I finally feel like I can swing with real integrity. I was always a little unsatisfied with the level of protection in a swinging lifestyle, which was minimal. Don’t get me wrong, I have never been deceptive about my promiscuity. We are a merry band of rebels. We all knew what we were up to, and if we cast some caution to the wind, it was in the interest of freedom, which was a good thing.
Now I feel like I can have my cake and eat it too. I like sex with safe tools. It is hot, hot, hot. And the lack of any guilty feelings even makes it hotter.
-A. M., SC
6- The prostitute.
We have begun using the Safer Sex Kit, from OneSafeGeneration.com, at our Salon. We charge less for guys who will use them, and we are developing certain tricks that work better when one has the latex on.
I look forward to the day when everyone will use them. It could be the harbinger of a golden age of prostitution.
Thanks for bringing us these tools.
G. D., Las Vegas, NV
7- The John
I’ll be honest. I tried the boxers first because L. made it so much cheaper. But I am hooked. Sex with the plastic works just fine, and I am no longer worried about bringing home disease to my wife and family. L. turned me on to onesafegeneration.com and now I have my own kit, safely hidden, and in my bag whenever I travel. Thanks.
H. M., San Fran, CA